Proceedings of the 17th International Scientific Conference INPROFORUM: Challenges and Opportunities in the Digital World


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The INPROFORUM conference is a traditional event organized by the Faculty of Economics of the University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice since 2007. It has long served as a platform for academics, students and practitioners from the fields of economics, business and administration to share their knowledge, experience, ideas and opinions on current topics. The subtitle of the 17th annual international conference INPROFORUM 2023 was “Challenges and Opportunities in the Digital World“. This topic is crucial given the transformative impact of digital technologies on global communication, the economy, and society. Understanding these dynamics is essential to navigate the complexities of technological progress, address ethical issues, and ensure that individuals and businesses can thrive in a connected digital environment. Discussion on this topic is essential to foster innovation, address societal implications, and prepare individuals and institutions for the evolving demands of the modern age. The theme aligns with the overall concept of the conference, which is reflected in the name Inproforum. This name is an acronym derived from the Czech words Innovation, Enterprises, Regions.

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